Title: How does the title help you understand the book better? Would your reading or understanding of the book change if the title were different? Could you think of alternate titles for the story? Does the title refer to another piece or literature or a religious figure or symbol? Wide Sargasso Sea : The novel’s first working title was “The First Mrs. Rochester”, followed by “False Legend” and “Solitaire”. Rhys also titled it, “What the Hell or Where’s Jane.” Would a different title have changed your reading of the novel? Do you like any of these titles better? Epigraph: How would you compare the epigraph to the book as a whole, a specific character, or a theme of the story? An Unfinished Life: Why do you think Spragg chose to add an epigraph to the beginning of the book? How would you compare the epigraph (excerpt from poem “Not Dying” by Mark Strand) to the book as a whol...