Sometimes you want to read something new and other times you want to get in the bubble bath with an old favorite. Here are a few of my old favorites that I've read several times: Why I love it? Harry is a kick butt heroine that can ride a horse. The world-building is amazing. The kelar (magic) is original and compelling. And the romance is subtle. Why I love it? This book was originally published as two books, but combined in this edition. Mel is hotheaded and impulsive. She's strong-willed and often makes mistakes, but is essentially goodhearted. Even though she is small and not a good fighter, she manages to play a key role in a revolution and a rebellion. Why I love it? Even though the main character is naive and makes some mistakes, she is strong and feisty. And she also happens to be a seer. How cool is that? The hero in this is one of my favorites penned in fiction....